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Official Name Code Name Type Introd. Upd. Rem. Category Cost
Absorber absorber FFX 1.x no Self-Alteration 500
Absorption (active) absorptiona FFX 3.1 3.1 no Self-Alteration 400
Synergy absorption FFX 2.x no Envir. Reaction 750
Accidental Change accidentalchange FFX 2.x no Self-Alteration 250
Accidental Clone accidentclone FFX 2.x no Char. Spawning 600
Acid Blood acidblood FFX 1.x no Damage Reaction -100
Acrobatic acrobatic FFX 2.x 3.2 yes Defence 250
Acrobatic (amateur) acrobaticamateur FFX 3.2 yes Defence 125
Adaptive adaptive Built-in FFvsTTR no Damage Reaction 750
Adaptive (active) adaptive2 FFX 3.1 no Damage Resist. 400
Aerial Scout airscout FFX 2.x no Detection 110
Neutralize alkaline Built-in FF no Damage Resist. 350
Armored armoured Built-in FF no Damage Resist. 300
Assimilator assimilator FFX 3.1 3.1 no Self-Alteration 600
Astral Projection astral FFX 2.x no Self-Alteration 600
Astral Form astralform FFX 2.x no Self-Alteration -5000
Atomic Touch atomtouch FFX 1.x yes Object Alteration 150
Battery Powered battery FFX 1.x no Physical Trait -100
Battle Computer battlecomputer FFX 3.3 no Self-Alteration 300
Beautiful beautiful Built-in FF no Char. Alteration 250
Bedevilled bedevilled Built-in FF no State Resist. -300
Berserker bezerker Scripted FF/2.x no State Resist. -125
Biohazard biohazard FFX 1.x yes Area Damage -200
Blazing Glory blazingglory FFX 2.x no Area Damage 300
Blind blind Built-in FF no Physical Trait -350
Blitzkrieg blitzkrieg Built-in FF no Offence 400
Body Armor (02 points) bodyarmor02 FFX 3.3 yes Damage Resist. 100
Body Armor (05 points) bodyarmor05 FFX 3.3 yes Damage Resist. 275
Body Armor (10 points) bodyarmor10 FFX 3.3 yes Damage Resist. 650
Body Armor (20 points) bodyarmor20 FFX 3.3 yes Damage Resist. 1150
Body Armor (30 points) bodyarmor30 FFX 3.3 yes Damage Resist. 1900
Body Aura bodyaura FFX 2.x no Damage Resist. 2000
Inner Reserves boost1 FFX 2.x no Self-Alteration 600
Unstoppable boost2 FFX 2.x no Damage Resist. 600
Thunderclap boost3 FFX 2.x no Area Damage 600
Borrowed Time borrowedtime FFX 2.x no Physical Trait -1000
Bulk Teleporter bulktp FFX 3.0 3.0 no Object Alteration 600
Butterfingers butterfingers FFX 1.x yes Object Alteration -50
Human Cannonball cannonball FFX 2.x 3.2 yes Damage Resist. 500
Chameleon chameleon FFX 2.x no Defence 2000
Charged charged Built-in FF no Offence 350
Claws claws Built-in FF no Offence 400
Clumsy clumsy Built-in FF no Physical Trait -100
Cold Blooded cold blooded Built-in FF no Damage Resist. -300
Psychic Conduit conduit FFX 1.x yes Char. Alteration -150
Coordinator coordinator FFX 2.x no Char. Alteration 600
Cosmic Chump cosmic chump Built-in FF no Damage Resist. -300
Crack Shot crack shot Built-in FF no Offence 250
Current Sapper currentsapper FFX 3.0 3.0 no Envir. Reaction 750
Cybernetic Brain cybernetic brain Built-in FF no State Resist. 400
Danger Sense danger sense Built-in FF no Defence 300
Degenerative degenerative FFX 1.x yes Damage Reaction -750
Density Control density control Built-in FF no Movement 500
Dependency dependency FFX 2.x no Envir. Reaction -400
Angst Ridden depressed FFX 1.x yes State Resist. -200
Disciplined disciplined Scripted FF/2.x no State Resist. 350
Dispassionate dispassionate FFX 1.x no State Resist. 150
Dispersed dispersed FFX 1.x yes Damage Reaction 300
Driver driver FFX 3.1 3.3 no Self-Alteration 0
Earth Control earthcontrol FFX 1.x no Object Alteration 800
Earth Control (weak) earthcontrol2 FFX 2.x no Object Alteration 300
Empathic empath FFX 2.x yes Envir. Reaction -500
Enchanter (grade 1) enchanter FFX 3.2 yes Char. Alteration 400
Enchanter (grade 2) enchanter FFX 3.2 yes Char. Alteration 1000
Enchanter (grade 3) enchanter FFX 3.2 yes Char. Alteration 2000
Energy Redirector energyredirector FFX 3.3 no Damage Reaction 150
Energy Tanks energytanks FFX 2.x no Physical Trait 100
Environment Control (global) envcontrolglobal FFX 2.x no Object Spawning 500
Environment Control (local) envcontrollocal FFX 2.x no Object Spawning 500
Environment Control (full) environmentcontrol Combo 2.x no Object Spawning 1000
Ephemeral ephemeral FFX 1.x yes Physical Trait -750
Explosive explosive FFX 1.x no Area Damage 500
Extra Heroic extra heroic Scripted FF/2.x yes Mental Trait 1150
Fast Healing fast healing Scripted FF/2.x no Damage Reaction 500
Fast Flier fastflier FFX 2.x yes Movement 200
Fearless fearless FFX 1.x no State Resist. 150
Hate-Filled: Car Chaser ffqaicarchaser FFX 2.x no Mental Trait -100
Hate-Filled: Misandre ffqaimisandre FFX 2.x no Mental Trait -175
Hate-Filled: Misanthrope ffqaimisanthrope FFX 2.x no Mental Trait -250
Hate-Filled: Misogynist ffqaimisogynist FFX 2.x no Mental Trait -150
Hate-Filled: Technophobe ffqaitechnophobe FFX 2.x no Mental Trait -125
Hate-Filled: Xenophobe ffqaixenophobe FFX 2.x no Mental Trait -125
Hate-Filled: Zoophobe ffqaizoophobe FFX 2.x no Mental Trait -125
Alternate Current ffqaltcurrent FFX 3.3 yes Evir. Reaction 200
Amalgam ffqamalgam FFX 3.3 yes Char. Alteration -7000
Anti-Missiles Defence ffqantimissiles FFX 2.x yes Defence 800
Air Superiority ffqairsuperiority Combo 2.x/3.2 3.2 no Movement 1400
Untouchable Aura ffqaurauntouchable FFX 2.x yes Defence 1000
Basic Levitation ffqbasiclevitation FFX 2.x no Movement 500
Blessed ffqblessed FFX 3.2 3.2 no Mental Trait 350
Cursed ffqcursed FFX 3.2 3.2 no Mental Trait -250
Deathwish ffqdeathwish FFX 2.x no Damage Reaction -650
Slow Starter ffqdeenergized FFX 2.x no Physical Trait -50
Desesperate ffqdesesperate FFX 2.x no Damage Reaction 175
Disguise ffqdisguise FFX 2.x no Defence 500
Divine Intervention ffqdivineintervention FFX 2.x no Char. Spawning 500
Dizzy ffqdizzy FFX 3.3 yes Physical Trait -75
Extradimensional ffqextradimensional FFX 2.x yes Damage Reaction -100
Fastball Special ffqfastball FFX 2.x no Movement 50
Field Commander ffqfieldcommander FFX 3.2 yes Char. Alteration 900
Flawed Invulnerability ffqflawedinvulnerability FFX 2.x no Damage Resist. 800
Gestalt ffqgestalt FFX 3.3 yes Char. Alteration 400
Ghostly ffqghostly FFX 2.x/3.2 yes Damage Resist. 2000
Glider ffqglider FFX 2.x no Movement 750
Gymnast ffqgymnast Combo 2.x no Movement 850
Clumsy Jumper ffqhighjumper FFX 2.x yes Movement 200
Immortal ffqimmortal FFX 2.x yes Damage Reaction 1000
Jumping Jack ffqjumpingjack Combo 2.x no Movement 1250
Limited Flight ffqlimitedflight FFX 2.x no Movement 750
Loner ffqloner FFX 2.x no Envir. Reaction 75
Jump Travel ffqlongjumper FFX 2.x yes Movement 650
Weightless Flier ffqlowgravflier FFX 2.x 3.2 no Movement 800
Limited Jumping ffqlowjumper FFX 2.x yes Movement 50
Mad ffqmad FFX 2.x no State Resist. -400
Nimble Flier ffqnimbleflier FFX 2.x yes Defence 125
Pagan God ffqpagangod Combo 2.x yes Damage Reaction 850
Precognitive ffqprecognitive FFX 2.x no Detection 150
Prowler ffqprowler Combo 2.x no Envir. Reaction 750
Psychotherapy ffqpsychotherapy FFX 2.x no State Resist. 300
Reality Manipulation (chaos) ffqrealitymanipchaos FFX 2.x/3.2 3.2 no Envir. Alteration 400
Reality Manipulation (order) ffqrealitymaniporder FFX 2.x/3.2 3.2 no Envir. Alteration 500
Reality Manipulation (full) ffqrealitymanipulation Combo 2.x/3.2 3.2 no Envir. Alteration 800
Resilient ffqresilient FFX 2.x yes Damage Resist. 100
Rooted ffqrooted FFX 2.x no Defence 300
Ropeswinger ffqropeswinger FFX 2.x no Movement 650
Superheroic ffqsuperheroic FFX 2.x no Mental Trait 1750
Team Player ffqteamplayer FFX 2.x no Envir. Reaction 75
Temporary Invulnerability ffqtempinvulnerability FFX 2.x no Damage Resist. 600
Tracking ffqtracking FFX 2.x yes Detection 50
Weakspot ffqweakspot FFX 2.x no Damage Resist. -500
FF Active Defense (10 HP) ffactivedefense10 FFX 3.3 no Defense 1000
FF Active Defense (20 HP) ffactivedefense20 FFX 3.3 no Defense 1500
FF Active Defense (35 HP) ffactivedefense35 FFX 3.3 no Defense 2250
FF Active Defense (50 HP) ffactivedefense50 FFX 3.3 no Defense 3000
Flame Control firecontrol FFX 2.x no Object Spawning 1000
Flier flier Scripted FF/3.0 3.0 no Movement 1100
Fluctuation fluctuation Built-in FF no Offence 200
Focus focus Built-in FF no Offence 50
Four-Dimensional fourd FFX 2.x no State Resist. 100
Free Spirit freespirit FFX 3.3 no Char. Spawning 800
Frostbite frostbite FFX 1.x yes Area Damage -200
Gaseous Form gaseousform FFX 1.x no Self-Alteration 1000
Glass Bones glass bones Built-in FF no Damage Resist. -400
Glass Jaw glassjaw FFX 1.x no State Resist. -200
Grim Resolve grim resolve Scripted FF/2.x no State Resist. 200
Grounded grounded Built-in FF no Damage Resist. -300
Genetic Symbiote geneticsymbiote FFX 3.3 no Envir. Reaction 300
Group Mind groupmind FFX 3.0 3.0 no Self-Alteration 600
Group Teleporter groupteleport FFX 2.x no Movement 500
Hatemonger hatemonger FFX 2.x no Envir. Reaction 750
Heat Sensitive heat sensitive Built-in FF no Damage Resist. -150
heavy hitter heavy hitter Built-in FF no Physical Trait 300
Heavy Lifter heavy lifter Scripted FF/2.x 3.2 yes Physical Trait 150
Heavy Footed heavyfooted FFX 1.x 3.3 no Area Damage -100
Heroic heroic Scripted FF/2.x yes Mental Trait 900
Hirsute hirsute Built-in FF no Damage Resist. 300
Hollow Bones hollowbones FFX 1.x no Defence -200
Hot Tempered hot tempered Built-in FF yes Mental Trait -100
Human Rocket (10) humanrocket10 FFX 3.2 no Offence 550
Human Rocket (15) humanrocket15 FFX 3.2 no Offence 900
Human Rocket (20) humanrocket20 FFX 3.2 no Offence 1300
Human Rocket (25) humanrocket25 FFX 3.2 no Offence 1800
Ice Cloud icecloud FFX 1.x no Self-Alteration 1000
Ice Control icecontrol FFX 2.x no Object Spawning 400
Illusionist illusionist FFX 3.0 3.0 no Char. Spawning 500
Magnetic Induction induction FFX 3.1 no Damage Reaction 200
Inner Being innerbeing FFX 2.x no Char. Spawning 2000
Invertebrate invertebrate Built-in FF no Damage Resist. 350
Involuntary Form involuntaryform FFX 2.x no Self-Alteration -8000
Invulnerable Flier (05 hp) invflier FFX 3.3 no Damage Resist. 300
Invulnerable Flier (10 hp) invflier FFX 3.3 no Damage Resist. 600
Invulnerable Flier (15 hp) invflier FFX 3.3 no Damage Resist. 900
Invulnerable Flier (20 hp) invflier FFX 3.3 no Damage Resist. 1200
Invulnerable Flier (30 hp) invflier FFX 3.3 no Damage Resist. 1800
Invulnerable (02 hp) invulnerable FFX 2.x no Damage Resist. 400
Invulnerable (05 hp) invulnerable0 FFX 2.x no Damage Resist. 750
Invulnerable (10 hp) invulnerable2 FFX 2.x no Damage Resist. 1500
Invulnerable (15 hp) invulnerable22a34 FFX 2.x no Damage Resist. 2000
Invulnerable (20 hp) invulnerable2a FFX 2.x no Damage Resist. 2500
Invulnerable (30 hp) invulnerable3 FFX 2.x no Damage Resist. 4000
Invulnerable (50 hp) invulnerable34 Combo 2.x no Damage Resist. 8000
Invulnerable (75 hp) invulnerable4 Combo 2.x no Damage Resist. 16000
Iron Guts ironguts FFX 2.x no State Resist. 600
iron Jaw ironjaw Scripted 2.x no State Resist. 400
Jinx jinx FFX 1.x no Char. Alteration 200
Jinx Enemies jinxenemies FFX 3.3 no Char. Alteration 350
Jumper jumper Built-in FF no Movement 300
Kamikaze kamikaze FFX 2.x no Damage Reaction 0
Kinetic Absorber kineticabsorber FFX 3.3 no Damage Reaction 150
Last Resort lastresort FFX 2.x no Offence 500
Lesser Regeneration lesserregeneration FFX 2.x yes Damage Reaction 500
Level Headed level headed Scripted FF/2.x no State Resist. 750
Levitate levitate Built-in FF no Movement 750
Light Speed light speed Built-in FF no Offence 250
Light Control lightcontrol FFX 2.x no Envir. Alteration 100
Living Laser livinglaser FFX 1.x yes Movement 1000
Magnetic magnetic FFX 1.x 3.2 no Object Alteration 1000
Magnetic (weak) magnetic2 FFX 2.x no Object Alteration 400
Mass Control masscontrol FFX 2.x no Self-Alteration 500
Metabolic metabolic FFX 2.x no Physical Trait 700
Metal Eater metaleater FFX 2.x no Self-Alteration 750
Metamorphic metamorphic FFX 1.x no Self-Alteration 1800
Energy Shield (active) metashield FFX 1.x no Damage Resist. 500
Energy Shield (passive) metashieldp FFX 1.x no Damage Resist. 1250
Metabolic Speed metaspeed FFX 2.x no Physical Trait 300
Metabolic Strength metastrength FFX 2.x no Physical Trait 500
Mindless mindless FFX 1.x no State Resist. 400
Megablast miracle1 FFX 2.x no Offence 600
Angelic Ally miracle2 FFX 2.x no Char. Spawning 600
Mutator mutator FFX 2.x yes Self-Alteration 1000
myopic myopic Built-in FF no Offence -250
Narcoleptic narcoleptic FFX 3.2 yes Physical Trait -250
Nature Goddess naturegoddess Combo 3.0 3.0 no Object Alteration 0
Nemesis nemesis FFX 2.x 3.2 yes Char. Spawning -2000
Nimble nimble Scripted FF/2.x yes Defence 200
Nocturnal nocturnal FFX 2.x no Envir. Reaction 100
Overheated overheated FFX 1.x yes Area Damage -200
Defence Mechanism painresponse FFX 2.x no Damage Reaction 800
Parasite parasite FFX 3.3 no Envir. Reaction -150
Anti War Zone peacefield FFX 1.x no Defence 400
Phasing phasing FFX 3.3 no Self-Alteration 800
Pheremones pheremones FFX 1.x no Char. Alteration 300
Plasma Sculptor plasmasculptor FFX 2.x no Object Spawning 500
Poltergeist poltergeist FFX 2.x yes Char. Spawning 200
Ponderous ponderous Built-in FF no Defence -300
Power Cosmic powercosmic Combo 2.x no Physical Trait 2500
Power Analysis powerscan FFX 3.0 3.0 no Detection 250
Power Reverse powerreserve FFX 3.3 no Char. Alteration 500
Presence presence FFX 1.x no Char. Alteration 300
Private Army (grade 1) privatearmy1 FFX 2.x no Char. Spawning 1000
Private Army (grade 2) privatearmy2 FFX 2.x no Char. Spawning 1500
Private Army (grade 3) privatearmy3 FFX 2.x no Char. Spawning 2000
Psychic Link psychiclink FFX 2.x no Envir. Reaction -100
Puppet Master (nature) puppetn FFX 1.x no Object Alteration 750
Puppet Master (urban) puppetu FFX 1.x no Object Alteration 750
Radioactive radioactive Built-in FF no Damage Resist. 700
Random Mutation randommutation FFX 3.2 yes Self-Alteration 1000
Rapid Metabolism rapid metabolism Built-in FF no Damage Resist. -600
Russian Doll russiandoll FFX 2.x no Damage Reaction 1000
Sandstorm sandstorm FFX 1.x no Self-Alteration 1000
Seat Filler seatfiller FFX 3.3 yes Char. Alteration -49
Cosmic Awareness sensitive FFX 1.x no Detection 150
Shake It Off shake it off Scripted FF/2.x no Damage Reaction 300
Shape Shifter shapeshifter FFX 1.x no Self-Alteration 1000
Short Circuited shortcirc FFX 1.x yes Area Damage -200
Escapologist slippery FFX 2.x no State Resist. 200
Slow Moving slow moving Scripted FF/2.x yes Damage Resist. -100
Solar Powered solarpowered FFX 2.x no Envir. Reaction 100
Solid Skeleton solid skeleton Built-in FF no Damage Resist. 500
Speed Force speedforce FFX 2.x/3.2 3.2 no Movement 500
Speed Phaser speedphaser FFX 3.2 yes State Resist. 500
Spellcaster spellcaster FFX 3.1 3.1 no Char. Alteration 2000
Human Top spinner FFX 1.x no Movement 1000
Spiny spiny FFX 1.x no Damage Reaction -100
Nuclear Stockpile stockpile FFX 1.x no Area Damage -100
Strange Visitor strange visitor Built-in FF/2.x no Damage Resist. 300
Summoner (grade 1) summoner1 FFX 2.x no Char. Spawning 1000
Summoner (grade 2) summoner2 FFX 2.x no Char. Spawning 1500
Summoner (grade 3) summoner3 FFX 2.x no Char. Spawning 2000
Summoner (grade 4) summoner4 FFX 3.2 no Char. Spawning 2000
Regenerative superhealer FFX 1.x yes Damage Reaction 900
Classic Superhuman superhuman Combo 3.0 3.0 no Physical Trait 2500
Super-Leaper superleaper FFX 2.x yes Movement 400
Super TK supertk FFX 1.x no Object Alteration 1500
Symbiote symbiote FFX 1.x 3.2 no Envir. Reaction 200
Telekinetic telekinetic FFX 1.x no Object Alteration 500
Enhanced Senses telepathy FFX 1.x no Detection 250
Natural Teleporter teleporter FFX 2.x/3.2 3.2 no Movement 4000
Temperature Control temperature control Built-in FF no Damage Resist. 600
Temporary Form tempform FFX 1.x no Self-Alteration -5000
Terraformer terraformer FFX 3.1 3.1 no Object Alteration 300
Thin Skinned thin skinned Built-in FF no Damage Resist. -300
Thoughtform thoughtform Combo 2.x no Physical Trait 0
Timid timid Scripted FF/2.x no State Resist. -300
Tough Guy tough guy Built-in FF no State Resist. 500
Physical Resist. toughguy2 FFX 2.x no Damage Resist. 2800
Toxic toxic FFX 2.x no Offence 100
Transmutator transmutator FFX 2.x no Object Alteration 600
Twister twister FFX 3.2 no Defence 200
Unbeliever unbeliever Scripted FF/2.x no State Resist. 350
Unheroic unheroic Scripted FF/2.x no Mental Trait -500
Unstable Energy unstable energy Built-in FF no Area Damage -200
Unstable Molecules unstable molecules Scripted FF/1.x no Damage Resist. 100
Unstable Temperature unstabletemp FFX 3.1 no Area Damage -500
Defender untouchable Built-in 2.x no Damage Resist. 4000
Untouchable untouchable2 FFX 2.x no Defence 600
Upgradable (grade 1) ffqupgradable1 FFX 2.x/3.2 3.2 no Physical Trait 500
Upgradable (grade 2) ffqupgradable2 FFX 2.x/3.2 3.2 no Physical Trait 1500
Upgradable (grade 3) ffqupgradable3 FFX 2.x/3.2 3.2 no Physical Trait 3000
Urban Dweller urbandweller FFX 2.x no Envir. Reaction 750
Utility Belt utilitybelt FFX 2.x/3.1 3.1 no Self-Alteration 400
Vehicle vehicle FFX 3.1 3.3 no Self-Alteration 0
Velcro Feet velcrofeet FFX 3.3 yes Physical Trait 100
Volatile Storage volatilestorage FFX 3.2 no Physical Trait 0
Volcanic volcanic Built-in FF no Damage Resist. 300
Vulnerability vulnerability FFX 2.x no Envir. Reaction -250
Very Unstable Molecules vunstablemols FFX 1.x no Damage Resist. 150
Wall Climbing wall climbing Built-in FF no Movement 200
Weak Minded weak minded Built-in FF no State Resist. -350
Weapon Master weaponbearer FFX 2.x no Offence 600
Weather Control weathercontrol FFX 2.x no Envir. Alteration 1000
Webslinger webslinger FFX 3.0 no Object Alteration 300
Wrestler wrestler FFX 3.3 no Physical Trait 100


Official Name

Name of the attribute, as it appears in-game in the character creation and training screens.

Code Name

The name of the attribute in FFEdit, as used in Python scripts. Exception: When calling a scripted attribute with one or more spaces in its FFEdit code name, you must remove the space(s).Ex: to know if a character has the scripted version of the Shake It Off attribute, call hasAttribute(char, 'shakeitoff').


Built-in: Standard attribute. Can't be used in combos, as it can't be simulated through scripting.

FFX: Custom-made attribute.

Scripted: Available without FFX, but an FFX version has been created for using in combo attributes.

Combo: Simply a combination of FFX and/or scripted attributes.


First appearance of the attribute; usually refers to the FFX version. For scripted attributes, the second entry refers to the version of FFX where the attribute was first made available in a scripted version. For FFX 3, the second number refers to when the FFX attribute was updated for FFvsTTR.


Indicates when the attribute was last updated (updated prior to FFX 3.0 are ignored). This doesn't list minor bug patches, only feature/behaviour changes and major bug corrections.


Removable FFX and scripted can be removed from a character during a mission through FFX scripting; more attributes will be made available in future releases. For an example of using removable attributes, see Field Commander. Note that built-in attributes cannot be removed, even if a scripted version exists (workaround: instead of using the built-in attribute, create a combo including the scripted version).


These categories are – of course – only indicative. An attribute can often fit in multiple

Area Damage: This attribute cause a physical damage explosion.

Char. Alteration: Can cause changes in other characters habilities or behaviour.

Char. Spawning: Can make other characters appear.

Damage reaction: If the hero takes damage, a particular effect follows.

Damage Resist.: If hit the hero is hit, this attributes influences the amount of damage
he receives.

Defence: Indicates the hero's Resist. to avoiding being hit.

Envir. Alteration: The hero can affect the environment over a very large area.

Envir. Reaction: The hero has a specific reaction to certain external conditions.

Mental Trait: From the get go, the hero has a particular non-physical characteristic
not caused by the mission's events.

Movement: Affects how the hero can travel.

Object Alteration: Allows the hero to move or transform an inanimate object.

Object Spawning: Allows the hero to create an inanimate object.

Offence: This attribute has a direct influence on the hero damage capabilities.

Physical Trait: From the get go, the hero has a particular physical characteristic not caused by the mission's events.

Self-Alteration: The hero can, voluntarily or not, change some of his characteristics.

State Resist.: The hero's ability to ignore state-changing attacks is altered.


Experience point cost of buying the attribute.