New Subtypes

The new subtypes that Amplifier, the new Absorber Attributes, and the new Phasing Attribute use are:

New Material Subtypes

pierce_weapon: characters with this in their subtype and who have a piercing ranged attack will have ABSORB_METAL_ATTACK on them when targeted by a Material Absorber.
flesh: character is made of flesh
metal: character is made of metal
stone: character is made of stone
rubber: character is made of rubber
fire: character is made of fire
air: character is made of air
wood: character is made of wood
concrete: character is made of concrete
ice: character is made of ice
cloth: character is made of cloth
electricity: character is made of electricity
radiation: character is made of radiation
sound: character is made of sound
liquid: character is made of liquid
acid: character is made of acid
sand: character is made of sand
gas: character is made of gas
diamond: character is made of diamond
adamantium: character is made of or carries an item made of adamantium
divine_metal: character is made of or carries an item made of divine_metal
super_alloy: character is made of or carries an item made of super_alloy
alien_mineral: character is made of or carries an item made of alien_mineral

Power Subtypes

magnetism: character has Magnetic Control Powers
sonic: character has Sonic Generation Powers that are emitted from the hands/limbs
sonic_scream: character has Sonic Generation Powers that are emitted from the mouth/head
gravity: character has Gravity Control Powers
liquid_powers: character has Water or other Liquid Generation Powers
ice_powers: character has Ice Generation and Control Powers
cloner: character has Cloning Powers
invisibility: character has invisibility powers
force_field: character can create a force field
mental: character has mental powers
mystic: character has mystic powers
teleporter: character has teleportation powers
superspeed: character is a Super Speedster
good_luck: character has good luck powers
bad_luck: character has bad luck powers
heat_vision: character can generate beams of heat from their eyes
crushing_vision: character can generate beams of crushing force from their eyes
energy_vision: character can generate beams of energy from their eyes
electric_vision: character can generate beams of electricity from their eyes
rad_vision: character can generate beams of radiation from their eyes
kinetic_bolt: character can generate beams or projectiles of kinetic force (crushing damage)
kinetic_blast: character can generate an area blast of kinetic force (crushing damage)
digger: character has a Burrowing Power
hyperbreath: character has the ability to exhale a large amount of air knocking down objects and characters
shapechanger: character has the ability to transform into different objects (currently used only for Amplifier)
animalchanger: character has the ability to transform into different animals (currently used only for Amplifier)
heat_blast: character has the ability to generate a blast of heat energy (infrared, microwave, etc.). Used to distinguish between fire generation and heat generation
heat_explosion: character has the ability to generate an explosive blast of heat energy (infrared, microwave, etc.). Used to distinguish between fire generation and heat generation.
darkforce: character has the ability to generate darkness

Object Subtypes

flammable: object is a fuel barrel or ammo crate
radioactive: object is an abomb
water_source: object is a fire hydrant or fountain

Other Subtypes

normal_human: Power Absorbers will only copy (or steal) Abilities (Strength, Agility, Speed, Endurance, Energy) from this character. Use this subtype for characters that have no superpowers but rather all their “Powers” are actually weapons or technology.
robot: Power Absorbers are unable to target characters with this subtype. Also, Phased characters can use the Disrupt Electronics Power on characters with this subtype.
computer: Phased characters can use the Disrupt Electronics Power on characters with this subtype.
hitech: Power Absorbers are unable to target characters with this subtype. The difference between this and ‘robot’ is that I also use ‘robot’ for characters that shouldn’t be targeted by characters with mental attacks while ‘hitech’ implies that the bearer of this subtype still has a brain to attack but is encased in a battle-suit which the Power Absorber cannot penetrate to duplicate their Abilities. Also, Phased characters can use the Disrupt Electronics Power on characters with this subtype.
subtype_only: This subtype is used if you don’t want any other of the characters powers to be accessed and copied (or stolen) and only want the subtype powers to be copied (or stolen). Let’s say you have a character with Sonic Generation Powers and you created an Energy Beam Power to simulate a sonic scream attack. You should add ‘sonic’ to the character’s subtype so any Power Absorber will get a sonic blast when copying their powers. The Power Absorber would also get an Energy Beam attack because of the Energy Beam Power the Sonic Character has but that is really just a sonic attack. So in this case you should also add ‘subtype_only’ so the Power Absorber only gets a sonic blast and doesn’t try to read the rest of the power list of the target.
subtype_replace: This subtype is used if you want certain subtypes to overwrite certain powers, instead of skipping the powers altogether. For instance, if you had a ranged Power that does Fire damage but you created it to simulate a beam of intense infrared energy, not flames. Add 'heat_blast' and 'subtype_replace' and the power will be read by the Power Absorber as a beam of heat rather than fire. It's almost the same thing as 'subtype_only', except it will still read all the powers, but only replace certain powers with the appropriate subtype. 'subtype_only' never reads the powers.

New/Updated Subtypes for FFX 3.3

electronic: object is one of the templates listed in the phasingTemplates list located at the beginning of the Phasing code in
in_database: character is in the Battle Computer Database
studying_target: character currently in the process of studying a target to add them to the Battle Computer Database
asleep: character is under the effects of the Sleep State Swap
emitting_damage: updated to include characters under the effects of the Explosive Tangle Swap
stasis: updated to include characters under the effects of all the Grapple and Tangle Swaps
staticked: updated to include characters under the effects of all the Grapple and Tangle Swaps
grappled: character is under the effects of the Ranged Grapple with Custom Damage, Ranged Grapple or Grapple Swap.
grappler: character is grappling, ranged grappling or ranged grappling with custom damage a target
tangled: character is under the effects of the Explosive Tangle or Tangle Swap.
phased: character is phased out, using the new Phasing Attribute
tkflier: character has been bestowed flight via the new Group Flight Command.
tpfoes: character has enemies selected for the Group Teleport Attribute
tpallies: character has allies selected for the Group Teleport Attribute
vampiric_control: character is under the effects of the Life Drain with Mind Control Swap and can be targeted by the Mind Control Power