Used by the Feedback attributes, Vulnerability and Dependency to provide an effect on a character in response to their environment, either good or bad.
Beneficial Effects
- drawHealth - The character recovers health points per object detected in radius
- drawEnergy - The character recovers energy points per object in radius
- leechHealth - The character gains health, and the detected objects lose health
- leechEnergy - The character gains energy and the detected objects lose energy
- gainStrength - The character gains lifting strength and melee damage proportional to the number of objects detected
- gainInvulnerability - The character gains invulnerability points like the FFX attribute
- gainMass - The character increases masss with thenumber of detected object, becoming more resitant to knockback
- gainAgility - The character gains agility and thus increases their chance of dodging
- gainSpeed - The character gains movement speed from the objects nearby
- leechEnergyAgilAndSpeed - The character's agility and speed increase with the number of objects, and they leech energy of all targets nearby
- gainMassAndStrength - The character gains mass, melee damage and lifting strength
- gainStrengthAndInvulnerability - The character gains astrenght and invulnerability points
- gainDamageAura - The character gains a damage aura when one or more objects are detected, creating an electrical explosion around themselves. The damage varies with the number of objects.
- single, multiple, copy, steal - used exclusively by Absorb Material, Absorb Energy and Absorb Powers.
Detrimental Effects
- loseStrength - The character loses lifting strength and melee damage
- loseInvulnerability - The character loses invulnerability points (only really meaningful if they have invulnerability)
- loseFlightAndSpeed - The character gets density maxed in the presence of thier vulnerability (or absence of their dependency)
- losePower - The character loses a random power like a POWER NULL attack
- getWeakened - The character gets GENETICALLY DAMAGED, lowering all resistances
- getHexed - The character gets HEXED (lower movement speed and stuns themselves when trying to use energy)
- getBlind - The character gets BLINDED (lower accuracy)
- loseHealth - The character slowly loses health
- loseEnergy - The character loses energy
- theWorks - The combined effects of losing strength, getting density maxed and power nulled, losing invulnerability and taking damage.
- loseSanity - The character has short term rage or panic states inflicted on them