Custom Encounters

By M25

Custom encounters are a more advanced form of EZ script. If you are just starting out, look at the overview of EZ script and write a few stories to get a feel for how it works before you dive into custom encounters.



List of Actions


Allies that Join the Player

Allies that Need to be Rescued

Allies that Talk







Getting Items to Spawn

Capture the Item

Items as Traps


Examining Objects

Heroes Destroying Objects



Switches Exist










Making Custom Encounters into Standard Encounters


EZ script encounters are actually made up of smaller pieces called actions.  If you consider the Fight encounter, there are two actions involved:  the villains are fighting the heroes and the allies are fighting the villains.  You can duplicate this using the custom encounter type, and specifying the actions involved.

Encounter: Same as Fight

Type: Custom

Actions:  villains fight heroes, allies fight villains

This encounter is exactly the same as the Fight encounter in normal EZ script.

Why is that important?  With the custom encounter type, you can access those actions directly (and there are a lot of them).  Why do that?  Suppose you want a fight scene where thugs and cops are involved in a shootout.  That sounds like a Fight encounter.  But, suppose you wanted the encounter to start right away, and force the heroes to race to the scene of the fight to save the cops before they are all ko’d?  The standard encounters won’t let you do that, but a custom encounter will.

Encounter: Cops and Robbers

Type: Custom

Actions:  villains fight heroes, allies fight villains, villains start immediately, allies start immediately

Suddenly you have a customized fight encounter.

Suppose you want that fight encounter to occur while a fire rages around them.  Just add the ‘fire’ action to the encounter.

Encounter: Cops and Robbers with Fire

Type: Custom

Actions:  villains fight heroes, allies fight villains, villains start immediately, allies start immediately, fire

Suppose you want the villains to surrender if half of them are defeated?  Add another action.

Encounter: Cops and Robbers with Fire

Type: Custom

Actions:  villains fight heroes, allies fight villains, villains start immediately, allies start immediately, fire, villains stop when half are defeated

To create a custom encounter, use the type Custom and add actions appropriate to the encounter you want to play.

Encounter: Name

Type: Custom

Actions: (list the actions here, each separated by a comma)


You can specify villains, minions, allies, and objects like any other encounter.

Villains: nuclear_winter

Minions: ice_trooper

Allies: cop

Objects: cub_market_crate2

You can also specify rivals and cohorts.  Rivals are like villains, except that they will compete with the villains.  That is, they will attack both heroes and villains.  Cohorts are the minions of Rivals.

Rivals: pin_stripe

Cohorts: thug_with_bat, thug_with_gun

Rivals won’t fight villains just by being listed, however.  You need to specify the appropriate actions, such as rivals fight villains.

Each action you choose may also add additional parameters, such as Item: or Time:  See the individual descriptions for more information.

Cut Scenes

Every custom encounter will also use the Alert, Start and End cut scenes. 

Alert Cutscene:

Red arrow on Villain

Start Cutscene:

Villain says, “So, we meet again.”

End Cutscene:

Hero says, “That’s all folks.”

Each action will likely have cut scenes associated with it.  For example, the ‘Heroes sabotage Objects’ action uses the Sabotage Cutscene: cutscene.


Endings are words or phrases that tell you how the encounter played out.  A custom encounter will always have an ending called ‘end’, but it will also have endings associated with the actions you choose.


List of Actions


Allies that Join the Player

Allies Become Controllable

At the end of the encounter, any allies still present will be added to the player’s team. 

Cut Scenes:

Allies Join Heroes:  played when the allies become part of the team


Allies Join Team: if at least one ally joined the team

Allies Defeated: if all allies are ko’d

Allies Fight Villains

Allies will fight any villains, minions, rivals or cohorts present.

Cut Scenes:

Allies Lost:  plays if all allies are ko’d

Allies Saved: plays if all villains and minions are defeated


Allies Lost: if all allies are ko’d

Allies Saved: if at least one ally remains

Allies Remain After Encounter Ends

All of the remaining allies will stick around after the encounter is over, rather than automatically being removed by EZ script.  If you want them to follow the heroes, you’ll need to add the Allies Follow Heroes Action.

Allies that Need to be Rescued

Allies Do Not Fight

Add this action if the allies should not fight anyone.  You may need to do this if, for example, you are using cops or other hero types as allies.

Allies Congregate

Allies will attempt to gather at a spot away from the encounter area.  The marker is called congregate for those wishing to add a specific location for the allies to gather.

Cut Scenes:

Ally Congregates: an ally makes it to the gather spot (the safe spot)


All congregated:  all allies made it to the safe spot

None congregated: no allies made it to the safe spot

Some congregated: some allies made it to the safe spot

Allies Flee Map

Any allies will attempt to flee to a marker called end, and will disappear once they reach that marker.

Cut Scenes:

None Escaped: no allies escaped

Some Escaped: some allies escaped

All Escaped:  all allies escaped (none were ko’d)


None Escaped: no allies escaped

Some Escaped: some allies escaped

All Escaped:  all allies escaped

Allies Follow Heroes

Allies will attempt to follow the heroes around.

Allies Can Be Freed

If you want your allies to start frozen, in stasis, cowering or in cages, then set this action to allow the heroes to free them.

Cut Scenes:

Ally Freed: plays each time the hero frees an ally

Ally Allies Freed: plays once all allies have been rescued


No allies freed

Some allies freed

All allies freed

Allies Frozen

Allies will start the encounter frozen.  If you have FFX set up so that being frozen causes damage, they will start taking damage as soon as the encounter starts.

Allies In Stasis

Allies will start the encounter with the stasis effect.

Allies Cower

Allies will start the encounter with the ‘interrogate me’ effect, although they cannot be interrogated.

Allies In Cages

Allies will start the encounter inside of individual cages.  This may not work if the ally is very large, but it does work for standard sized characters.  Destroying the cage will free the ally.

Heroes Escort Allies

Allies in the encounter will follow the hero and the hero will have to lead the allies to a safe spot (the end marker) some distance away.  The hero can give simple commands to the allies (Stay Here, and Follow Me).

Cut Scenes:

Escort Won: allies successfully fled the map

Escort Lost: allies did not make it to the safe spot


Escort Won: allies successfully fled the map

Escort Lost: allies did not make it to the safe spot

Allies Do Not Move

Allies have their AI turned off and will not move or act.

Allies Move When Freed

When the hero rescues an ally, that ally will then have its AI enabled and will act normally. 

Heroes Rescue Allies

A custom action will be added to each ally, allowing a hero to ‘rescue’ them. Use this action in conjunction with allies do not move and allies move when freed.

Cut Scenes:

Ally Rescued:  the hero has rescued a single ally

Allies that Talk

Allies Thank Heroes

An ally will want to talk to the heroes once all villains and minions have been defeated.  They will run towards the heroes and display an attention symbol. 

Cut Scenes:

Ally wants to thank heroes: all minions and villains are defeated and the ally wants to talk

Ally thanks hero: the ally has reached the hero and thanks them


Ally thanked hero

Ally survives

Ally did not thank hero

Ally lost

Allies Want To Chat

An ally starts the encounter wanting to talk to the heroes.

Cut Scenes:

Chat: plays when the hero selects ‘talk_to’ on the ally.

Chat Won: the talk went well

Chat Lost: the hero didn’t get a chance to talk to the ally (they were ko’d)


Chat complete

Chat lost: the ally was ko’d


Allies Start At Distance

The allies start the encounter a short distance away from the action.

Allies Fight Heroes

The allies are actually double-agents and will attack the heroes.  Use this for a nasty surprise when the heroes are rescuing supposedly innocent allies.


Allies defeated

Allies Start Immediately

Any allies will have their AI’s activated as soon as the encounter loads.  Use it to start a fight before the hero can get there.


Disarm Bomb

A bomb is set to explode, and must be disarmed before it does so.  A timer action is required to actually set off the bomb (countdown works best).


Bomb: the template of the bomb object

Cut Scenes:

Bomb Disarmed: a hero has disarmed the bomb

Bomb Exploding: the bomb is about to explode


Bomb Disarmed

Bomb Exploded


Building Collapsing

A building which should already exist on the map, will slowly crumble.


Buildings:  the names of the buildings (already on the map) that are collapsing

Cut Scenes:

Building Collapsed


Special note:  for most of the ‘disaster’ encounters, you can use a parameter called Storm Intensity.  Give it a numeric value that represents how strong the storm should be (5 is the default value).


The map shakes and buildings around the map will be damaged.  Characters on the map may also fall over.

Note: you can use ‘immediate earthquake’ to start the earthquake right away.


A small number of fires flare up around the encounter marker, some of which will burn nearby characters (damage only occurs once the encounter has started).  The flames die off when the encounter is over.  They cannot be targeted or put out.


Winds whip through the map and throw objects around (but not characters).  You can use ‘immediate hurricane’ to have it start immediately.

Ice Storm

Patches of ice will appear near characters, which may cause them to slip, and characters may be caught in icy explosions.

Meteor Storm

Fiery objects will fall from the sky and explode on impact with the ground, with buildings, or even with characters.


Meant for desert maps, but can be used anywhere.  Sandstorms whip up loose particles of sand and other debris which may harm characters or cause them to fall over.


Lightning strikes random objects from the sky, causing mayhem and possibly catching characters in small electrical explosions.


A powerful torrent of wind slowly makes its way from the ‘tornado’ marker to the ‘end’ marker.  It causes significant damage to anything in its path, leveling buildings and tossing objects and characters about.


Villains are Invulnerable

Any villains in the encounter cannot be harmed.


villain invulnerability effect: an effect from the resources tab of ffedit that shows the villain to be invulnerable

Item is Invulnerable

The item in the encounter cannot be damaged.  This is useful if you don’t want the object being stolen by the villains to be destroyed by a random area attack.


item invulnerability effect: an effect from the resources tab of ffedit that shows the item to be invulnerable

Invulnerability Can End

The invulnerability effect on items or villains (or other things) can be disabled by the heroes if they perform a certain task as shown below.

Invulnerability Ends When Objects Destroyed

As it says, the heroes can destroy all objects associated with the encounter to stop the invulnerability effect.

Invulnerability Ends When Minions Defeated

When all minions are ko’d or otherwise removed, the invulnerability effect can end.

Invulnerability Ends When Switches Turned Off

Using the ‘switches exist’ action, the switches in the encounter have to be switched in order to end the invulnerability effect.


Getting Items to Spawn

Item Exists

This is the base action for other actions involving items.  An item exists in the encounter and the heroes and villains can interact with it.


Item: the template of the item, found in the templates tab of ffedit

Cut Scenes:

Item Lost: the item has been removed from the game, usually by a villain fleeing the map

Hero gets item: a hero has picked up the item

Item Dropped: a hero or villain has dropped the item (by being ko’d)


Hero has it: the encounter ended with the hero carrying the item

Item Lost: the item has been carried away by a villain or rival

Item switched off: the item has been turned off (using switches)

Item can be destroyed

The encounter will monitor whether or not the item has been destroyed.

Cut Scenes:

Item destroyed: the item has suffered too much damage and has been destroyed


Item destroyed: the item was destroyed

Capture the Item

Heroes Pickup Item

Heroes can pick up the item if it is on the ground.

Item Starts On Ground

The item starts the encounter on the ground (rather than in the hands of a villain for example). 

Heroes Return Item To Allies

Once all villains and minions are defeated, the allies are going to want the item back.  The hero can click on an ally to return the item to them.

Cut Scenes:

Hero gets item: the hero has picked up the item

Item returned: the hero has returned the item to an ally

Item recovered: the encounter is ending and the item has been returned

Item not returned: the encounter is ending and the item has not been returned.


Item returned: the item has been returned to the ally

Item recovered: same as item returned

Item not returned: the heroes couldn’t give the item to the allies (it was destroyed, the allies were ko’d, or the item was lost)

Villains Want Item

The villains in the encounter want the item and will attack the heroes to get to it.

Cut Scenes:

Villains get item: the villain has picked up the item

Villains drop item: the villain has dropped the item


Villains have item: the villains end the encounter holding on to the item

Villains do not have item: the villains weren’t able to get the item

Villains Start With Item

Not only do the villains want the item, but they also start with it in their possession. 

Items as Traps

Item Has Power

The item has a power associated with it and can use that power.  Whom it uses the power on is specified in other actions.


Trap Power: a power from the powers tab of ffedit.  It is best to use area or ranged powers.

Item Uses Power on Heroes

The item uses the power on heroes that get too close.

Item Uses Power on Villains

The item uses its power on villains.

Item Uses Power on Everyone

The item doesn’t distinguish friend from foe and uses its power any anyone that gets too close.

Item Uses Power Once

The item will only use its power once (good for exploding objects) and then shut down.


Item used power: the item has used its power once an then stopped

Item Can Be Switched Off

Requires a ‘switches exist’ action.  Once all switches have been switched, the item will stop using its power.


Examining Objects

Object Can Be Examined

The heroes can interact with one of the objects.


Examine Command: the command that is displayed on the object when the player clicks on it.

Cut Scenes:

Examine: the hero is examining the object


Examine complete: the hero has examined the object

Heroes Destroying Objects

Heroes Destroy Objects

The heroes can destroy the objects in the encounter. 

Cut Scenes:

Objects Destroyed: plays when the last object has been destroyed


Objects Destroyed

Allies Destroy Objects

The allies will help the heroes destroy the objects in the encounter.

Heroes Sabotage Object

One object is chosen from the list (usually the first one given) and a Sabotage command is place on it.  A hero can then select the command, and the object will explode in 10 seconds.

Cut Scenes:

Sabotage:  a hero has selected the sabotage command on the object


Sabotage Complete:  the object has been sabotaged (it has exploded)


Rivals Fight Villains

Any rivals in the encounter will fight not only the heroes, but the villains as well.


Rivals Gone: all rivals and cohorts have been defeated.

Rivals Start Immediately

The AI for the rivals will be activated right away, before the heroes arrive.

Cohorts Start Immediately

The AI for the cohorts will be activated right away, before the heroes arrive.

Rivals start at distance

The rivals will start a short distance away from the encounter marker.

Cohorts start at distance

The cohorts will start a short distance away from the encounter marker.


Switches Exist

There’s always some nefarious device that can be switched on or off to foil a villain’s plans.  The Switches exist action spawns a group of switches that the player can switch on or off.  By default, they spawn away from the encounter marker, but you can place

‘switch’ (such as encounter1_switch1) markers to control where they show up.


Switches: the templates to use for the switch devices (defaults to ‘switch’)

Cut Scenes:

Switch Turned Off: a single switch has been activated

All Switches Turned Off: all switches in the encounter have been activated


All switches off: all switches in the encounter have been activated



The heroes must accomplish something in a certain amount of time.  The timer starts as soon as the heroes arrive at the encounter area, and a clock is displayed on the screen to show the player how much time is left.  If the timer expires, the encounter ends immediately, regardless of the other actions in the encounter.


Time: how long before the countdown expires, given in seconds

Timer message: the message to display on screen

Cut Scenes:

Timer Expired: the timer has hit zero


Timer expired: time has run out

Timer still going: the heroes have accomplished their task before the timer hit zero

Immediate Countdown

This is the same as the countdown action, except that the timer starts immediately and the heroes will have to race to the encounter area before it expires.

Timed Encounter

The encounter will last for a certain amount of time before it ends.  The encounter will NOT end until the timer has expired.  The countdown is not displayed for the player.


Time: how long the encounter lasts, given in seconds

Cut Scenes:

Timer Expired: the timer has hit zero


Timer expired: time has run out

Immediate Timed Encounter

As the timed encounter, except that the time starts immediately even before the heroes reach the encounter area.



Villains Attack Innocent Allies

If you have allies in your encounter that are not attacking the villains, the villains will typically ignore them.  To get the villains to attack the allies anyway, use this action.

Villains Attack Object

Villains will attempt to destroy any objects in the encounter.

Cut Scenes:

Objects lost:  all objects destroyed by the villains

Objects Saved: at least one object has survived the encounter


Objects lost:  all objects destroyed by the villains

Objects Saved: at least one object has survived the encounter

Villains Fight Heroes

Villains and minions will attack the heroes.


Villains gone:  all villains and minions defeated

Villains Hunt Enemy

Villains and minions will hunt down enemy characters (heroes, allies or even rivals) even if they are outside of their visual area.

Villains Hunt Heroes

Villains will hunt down heroes from anywhere on the map.


Villains Flee

Villains will attempt to flee to the ‘end’ marker associated with the encounter.  They will leave their minions to fight off the heroes.

Cut Scenes and Endings:

None Escaped: no villains escaped

Some Escaped: some villains escaped

All Escaped:  all villains escaped (none were ko’d)

Minions Flee

Minions will attempt to flee to the ‘end’ marker. 

Cut Scenes and Endings:

None Escaped: no minions escaped

Some Escaped: some minions escaped

All Escaped:  all minions escaped (none were ko’d)

Villains and Minions Flee

Both villains and minions will attempt to flee.

Cut Scenes and Endings:

None Escaped: no villains or minions escaped

Some Escaped: some villains or minions escaped

All Escaped:  all villains and minions escaped (none were ko’d)

Villains Only Flee With Item

Villains and/or minions will flee, but only if they are in possession of an item.


Villains start at distance

The villains start the encounter a short distance away from the action.

Minions start at distance

The minions start the encounter a short distance away from the action.


Villains Can Be Interrogated

One of the villains will not be ko’d immediately, but instead will wait for the heroes to interrogate him or her.

Cut Scenes:

Interrogation: the heroes are interrogating the villain


Villains Rampage

Villains will attack any objects in the encounter, or any objects already on the map.

Minions Rampage

Minions will attack any objects in the encounter, or any objects already on the map.

Villains and Minions Rampage

Villains and minions will attack any objects in the encounter, or any objects already on the map.

Villains Attack Buildings

Villains will attack nearby buildings.

Minions Attack Buildings

Minions will attack nearby buildings.

Villains and Minions Attack Buildings

Villains and minions will attack nearby buildings.


Villains Start Immediately

The AI for the villains will be activated right away, even before the heroes arrive.

Minions Start Immediately

As with villains, the minions will start acting as soon as the encounter has been set up.


Sometimes the villains don’t want to fight to the bitter end.  You can have them stop at a certain health level.

Each of the health level actions have the following cut scene and ending:

Cut Scene:

Villains stop: the villains have reached the specified health level and are giving up


Villains hurt: the villains have been hurt and are giving up

Villain stops at half health

When all villains are at half health or lower, they give up.

Villain stops at one quarter health

Villains will end the encounter when all are at one quarter health or lower.

Villain stops at three quarters health

When all villains are at three quarters health or lower, they give up.

Villain stops at one third health

When all villains are at one-third health or lower, they give up.

Villain stops at two thirds health

When all villains are at two-thirds health or lower, they give up.

You can also have the villains give up when a certain number of them are defeated

Villains stop when half are defeated

Cut Scene: Villains Half Defeated

Ending: Villains Defeated

Villains stop when one is defeated

The encounter ends as soon as a single villain has been defeated.

Cut Scene: Villain Down

Ending: Villains Defeated

Villains stop when minions are defeated

If the heroes defeat all of the minions, the villains will stop fighting.

Cut Scene: Minions Defeated

Ending: Villains Defeated

Minions stop when villains are defeated

If all of the villains are defeated, the minions will give up immediately.

Cut Scene: Villains Defeated

Ending: Villains Defeated


Making Custom Encounters into Standard Encounters

If you have a good custom encounter, you may want to use it over and over again.  To do so, you need to open up in your mod/missions directory.

You’ll see something like:


            'examine': 'villains fight heroes, allies fight villains, object can be examined',

            'fight': 'villains fight heroes, allies fight villains',

            'flee the scene': 'villains fight heroes, allies fight villains, villains and minions flee',

            'guard object': 'villains fight heroes, allies fight villains, villains attack object, villains start at distance, minions start at distance',

            'rival factions': 'villains fight heroes, allies fight villains, rivals fight villains',

            'rescue frozen': 'allies frozen, villains fight heroes, allies can be freed',


ENC_CUSTOM_TYPES contains the names of the encounters and the actions they use.  EZ script creates a custom encounter on the fly using those actions and then runs it.  For example, the entry for the fight encounter looks like this:

'fight': 'villains fight heroes, allies fight villains',

When you use the encounter in EZ script, you’d write

Encounter: My Encounter

Type: Fight

Internally, EZ script converts that too

Encounter: My Encounter

Type: Custom

Actions: villains fight heroes, allies fight villains

If you have a custom encounter that uses the actions ‘earthquake, villains fight heroes’ and you want to call it ‘shaking all over’, you’d add an entry to ENC_CUSTOM_TYPES

‘shaking all over’: ‘earthquake, villains fight heroes’,

Then you can use it just like the fight encounter.

Encounter: My Encounter

Type: Shaking All Over

Note: this is a python dictionary, so you must get the quotes, colons and commas in the right places.